In this summer of 2020 ANOTHER MILE TEAM visited Xianggong Hill as the last leg of Guilin Yangshuo trip. Xianggong hill is famous for its sunrise. On the way to Xianggong, we visited a water reservoir which is between Guilin and Xianggong. We took a hotel very near to the base of sunrise point. Early next day at around 4:00 am we started for Xianggong Hill sunrise point. The gate opens for tourists at 4:30 am during the summer. Since there is quite a huge rush of tourists, especially during the weekends and holidays, it is important to reach there early, to secure best viewing spot. There are three tiers for viewing sunrise. We were lucky to get the top one and placed the camera facing the sunrise point. The pictures at the ticket counter will give you an idea about how the sunrise point varies from summer to winter. Better to follow the same for the best viewing experience and photoshoots.

The dawn moment was absolute beauty. However we were unfortunate not to see the sea of clouds which generally follows if there are showers in the previous night. Neither did we see the burst of sunlight through the hills which can be another fascinating moment. But overall beauty of the place was majestic. We used both wide angle and zoom lens to capture some of the moments. We also flew our drone to take some video shots. Overall a great experience.

From Xianggong Hill on the way to Guilin we visited Zhuang Yuan Bridge at Lingui. There we met an old villager with a buffalo and he posed for us in that lush green environment. If you would like to have a photoshoot with him, you can hire him with the help of your guide. The main frame which you can compose at Zhunag bridge is the buffalo and its master standing on the Zhuang Bridge with the hills in the backdrop. The reflection of the hills and the bridge on the water creates a beautiful composition. However, it is not always easy to get a perfect reflection, as even a mild breeze creates ripples on the water, which you can see in our pictures. Nevertheless, the hills and lush green rice fields do help to create some unique compositions.

That marked the end to our trip. We didn’t visit many of those ‘must visit’ places but this detour helped to discover some hidden beauties of the Yangshuo county. Definitely a must go place for you all.

More videos on Xinging fisherman can be viewed in our YouTube channel “https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3zx-zfNtFlG_fv29p0vLpQ